Does God Really Care About Your Financial Problems?- By: Graysome Dukes

Description : Does God really care that your electric bill is due? Or that you are facing forclosure? Or that you have a major illness and can't afford the doctor?

These are questions that millions of people ask everyday. Is God real and if so, does He actually care about me and the poop that is happening in my life? I hope to answer that question for you and in the process send you on a journey of discovering not only if God cares, but how to ingite His provision for your life.

Jesus was asked by His disciples to teach them how to pray. They did this after seeing Him praying one day. In that teaching He told them to pray "Give us this day our daily bread". Now I am sure you are familiar with that quote. It is part of what is called the Lord's prayer or the "Our Father" prayer. However this prayer was not meant to just be quoted, but learned from.

I have recently written a post on my blog that goes into great detail about this prayer. You can learn, just as His disciples learned how to pray and see God provide for your needs. You see, God does care about your individual needs. Your physical needs. It is not all just about spiritual needs or pie in the sky by and by all happening after you die. He cares about what happens to you here on earth!

Let me give you an example. Jesus said not to worry about our provision. Yeah right! If you are like me, the bills don't go away just because I don't worry. However He made a very valid point. He said, to look at the birds. They neither plant nor do the harvest, but God takes care of them. He said to look at the lilies. They don't pick cotton, weave cotton, or sew fabric, yet God has clothed them with beauty. If God will do that for them, how much more will he do it for His children? He has got a valid point!

The key here, in my opinion is that we need to be in that father/child relationship with God. we need to go to Him as "Our Father" and ask for those needs to be met. When is the last time you went to your heavenly father and actually laid it all out before Him? When is the last time you took that electric bill, that forclosure notice, that medical need to Him and just as you would ask your earthly father to help, ask your heavenly Father to help?

Now that is something to think about!

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Author Resource : You can read Pastor Duke's Teaching on this subject and other relevant subjects in life below.
Praying For Financial Provision

Making Good Decisions.